Friday, October 15, 2010

Harry Potter Book 6 1/2

With the most recent bout of Harry Potter craze caused by the imminent arrival of the seventh movie in theaters everywhere, I thought I would share a little something my family wrote in the lull between the release of the sixth and seventh books:

Harry Potter
And the Mack Truck

Written by N.W., M.P., D.C. and D.O. Sorensen

One day, as Harry Potter was making his way along Diagon Alley before the start of the new school year, he noticed a commotion up the street. He saw wizards and witches scurrying this way and that, trying to get out of the street. Suddenly, the crowd in front of him cleared, and he saw a big Mack semi-truck heading toward him at full speed. Harry only had time to recognize the driver as Voldemort before he was crushed by the speeding automobile. The great wizard had come to his end at the hands of Muggle technology. Unfortunately for Voldemort, at that moment Neville Longbottom happened to also be on the street. He mistakenly identified the big Mack truck as a Big Mac truck, and swallowed it whole, Voldemort and all. Thus ends the legacy of possibly the two most hated wizards in the history of the world.

Yes, it is simple and not well written. But it's not a whole lot worse than the actual book, and I prefer the plot over what J.K. Rowling wrote.

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